America Give My Mom Back!
What inspired this poem was a 10 year old girl who said sadly to me only her grandmother and auntie were at the Christmas performance because her mother was in America. Many mothers around the globe leave their children in the care of family members in order to go away to another country with the hope of making a better life. Do they really know how it impacts the children?
America, America, Great Land of Opportunity
America, America, you took my mom from me.
She said to the States she would go
To make a better living, it would show.
But somehow I feel robbed
And that makes me sob and sob
Auntie is great and Grandma tries her best.
But mom, you are the only one
Who can really help me with life’s trials and tests?
I long to hold you and rub your beautiful skin
I know with you by my side, I will always win
So won’t you please come home to stay?
I know that this is the best way!
For me to grow and become
that beautiful person
Ordained by God and His Son
So mom won’t you please reconsider?
And take away this heartache
So that I don’t grow bitter?
I love you mom with all my heart.
So please come and do your part.
America, America, you must give my mom back!
That is no lie, but the truth
This is my prayer
And it’s going to be a fact!
Copyright ©2007 Rev. Dr. Armada C. Pinkins